Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tis the season to eat your body weight and reminisce

It seems to me that the popular thing to do at this time of year is to eat everything you shouldn't and then resolve to lose the weight you gained and then some, over the course of 365 days. Along with this New Year resolution comes the countless others we think up and promise ourselves we will fight to uphold, determined that this year will be different.

Whether my truth is universal to everyone else out there or not, I can't say. However, I can say with confidence that I'm strongly considering skipping the painful process of creating new years resolutions this time around. Here's how this whole thing plays out for me without fail each year:

It begins with a whirl of nostalgia. I begin to reminisce over the past year, starting things off with upbeat cheerful memories. As I digress, the reminiscing gradually morphs into a careful dissection of any regrettable choice I made in the past 365 or so days. Remember that time I proudly dressed myself in what I initially thought was red carpet worthy, only to later realize I looked like a dirty hobo? How about that time I lost all inhibitions and dared myself to eat as much useless food in the span of 24 hours as humanly possible, only to wake up with food baby triplets? Although these memories prove to be the type you laugh about many weeks later, they pose the vital question: What the hell was I thinking?

After a delightful walk down "remember that time..." lane, I usually create a well thought out list of New Years resolutions that I full heartily believe I will stay loyal to. Each comes with its justifications, to which I owe much gratitude for keeping me motivated and allow me to come out victorious by the following new year.

*Insert massive reality check here*

Almost like clockwork, my devote pilgrimage towards a better me loses steam by week 3 of the new year. Life picks up, and my detailed list on how to better myself fades into the past like a dream. It may have been inspirational and fun at the time, but reality comes into play and it transforms into a foggy mind blurb, that despite your best efforts, you just can't grasp in its entirety.

Although the failure to prove this process successful isn't exactly a buzz kill in my day to day life, it does serve as a mini reminder that at the ripe age of 19, I am already struggling to lose my "gut" and be hip like the kids. Scary. Thus, skipping the process altogether is tempting in my mind.

I now have 24 hours to decide which plan I will pursue. Will I stay consistent and go into the new year with some form of motivation to change the flaws I may embody? Or will I go into it with a little less of a bang, and give myself a bit of a personal reconstructive break. Maybe It's time to embrace some of the kinks in my personal life and move on already. Life's too short. Hand me a brownie.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Week Before Finals Week.

So far, it's been fun!
I have made the executive decision to never sleep... but that's cool because my roomie chose the same suicide mission.

In other news:
I love plaid and fuzzy eskimo hats. That is all.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Advice for everyone,

Be yourself
Do what you love
Never be afraid

Love, Caity

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bad Hair

So I thought I'd let you guys see the most fantastic bad hair day I have ever had. No joke. I woke up like this. Enjoy :)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Broccoli and cheese, the Devil's dinner.

July 24th, 3:00pm: I decide I love broccoli and cheese. I am determined to have it for dinner that night

July 24th, 3:10pm: Convince mom to buy a massive amount of broccoli and cheese (even though we leave for maine for a week the next day....) Hey, I could eat a village of broccoli at this point. BRING IT!

July 24th, 7:00pm: Feeling impatient. Waiting for broccoli and cheese dinner.

July 24th, 9:00pm: Finished eating dinner. Feel like I have the alien from alien vs. predator eating me from the inside, out.

July 25th, 2:00am: I officially hate broccoli and cheese. It's devil food and my body has made sure that I will never crave it again.

July 25th, 9:30am: And it lingers.....

Good thing I have great taste in food. hah