Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Racing the battery on big daddy

I'm techi-challenged and to make a long story short, got a mini cd (like the ones for gamecube?) stuck in my mac's cd drive. I've decided that was the best thing in the world because it forced me to get my computer a mini tune up/ check how badly I've destroyed it in the past 2 years. Turns out I do a lot of damage to computers... BUT the head techie dropped my battery and so now I have this nice shiny new one. With 30 minutes left on the battery.

I'd plug it in... but I'm comfy. The outlet's kinda far away....

Anyhoo, one of my roomies and new friend is going to Belize this January for a class and I'm entirely jealous.

One of my earliest memories? Playing jungle princess with my big sister in Cape Cod. I'm only mildly obsessed with someday seeing a rain forest.

This made me decide to start a variation on the legendary "Bucket List".

There are a billion and one things I'd love to see or do in my life but I feel like once my life really starts up (family, job, etc.) I'll be a tid bit limited in the adventure department. SOO
behold my Beat the Wrinkles Bucket List!

This is my list of things to do before I kick the bucket of youth and overall lifestyle flexibility. Read it. Embrace it. Or do.. whatever you'd like.

Beat the Wrinkles Bucket List!
*The beginning*

Trip to rain forest

Ride an elephant

Spend an entire week on a tropical beach

Attempt the Ben & Jerry's "Vermonster Challenge"

Skinny Dip

Chinese Fire drill

Watch all the scrubs (or the Office.. maybe both) episodes in a row

Make a cheese souffle and not mess it up

Battery dies in 5 minutes. To be continued...


  1. WHICH ROOMIE?! My sister did a bio trip to Belize and adored it! ALSO, I can help you out with the skinny dipping, Otis happens to be a pretty good place for it hahaha

  2. Chelsea! Also, count me in for Otis skinny dipping. That would be the best!!!
